月度归档: 2009 年 10 月

在我画出这张图来之前,我对自己的工作不是很兴奋。原因很复杂。 但是在出来这张图之后,我有一点高兴了,毕竟是在天 […]
http://astronomy.lamost.org/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=21&a […]
Observational surveys of elliptical galaxies at high redshift have in recent years revealed a further interesting fact: ellipticals at high redshift appear to be much smaller in size than those in our local Universe, but have about the same mass and density of stars.
http://astro.berkeley.edu/~jcohn/lya.html 1 why forest […]
The model for the chemical evolution of the Galaxy was […]
It’s something to motivate calculations, not some […]
http://astronomy.lamost.org/bbs 想法由来已久,做过实验,最初被MF拒绝过,后来 […]
Today, in a seminar, a Prof. asked: in the future, if m […]