在我想做点引力透镜-引力波-宇宙学的时候, 我发现:http://rrurl.cn/0ywV63 。。。。 you will never be better than your supervisor if you do the same thing…….
1. 07年我在马普的时候做过一些lisa 相关文献阅读,问一偶像: 引力透镜的引力波如何?大牛回答:lisa有人做,但是我个人感觉实现还很遥远。于是我就没跟进,转而做地面的一个问题。
2. 老板的这文章有这么一句:
The main focus of our paper is on lensing of distant GW sources therefore in this sectionwe will present our approach which is similar to that of [19, 20] who considered predictionsfor LISA detector.
我觉得就是这一句让这篇文章是JCAP, 而不是 PRL 了。
而文献[19](PRL, 2010)应该就是当年偶像说的有人在做。
idea is cheap, again.
you will never be better than your supervisor if you believe all things that he told you…….