
感谢引力大牛把interstellar 弄火, 提到interstellar 就可以顺势把interstellar medim 搞火,interstellar medim 最有(难)搞头的就是interstellar dust,俗称 grain。

天文上说尘埃理论,一般分为这么几个部分:尘埃的存在性( 尘埃组成),尘埃源,尘埃星际介质的演化,尘埃的光学特性,尘埃的用处。

尘埃的存在性: more and more evidences (e.g. see a historical view in Li 2005a) have confirmed the presence of cosmic dust mainly based on the information from the interaction between electromagnetic radiation and dust: scattering, absorption, emission and polarization (e.g. see Li 2008, and references therein). 李爱根为dust光学特性理论国际No.1

尘埃组成:上述存在证据让尘埃模型里基本假设三大部分:silicate, graphite and PAH。还有些人专门玩详细的谱线认证,我没涉猎过。

尘埃源主要是恒星(主要是AGB ,超新星) , 基本上就是假设恒星产生的元素里面有多少变成里尘埃。  Dwek (1998) 建立里基本框架。 问题是,恒星产生多少元素呢? Calura et al. (2008),Pipino et al. (2011) 把它放到了一个靠谱的星系元素(化学)演化模型里面玩了一把。 需要注意的是,观测上貌似没有发现SN 1a 的产生的尘埃,这是一个迷。

还有一个特殊的尘埃源, 最近才火,起因是一个在红移6.4处的QSO J1148+5251被发现含有大量尘埃!这不是赤裸裸的打尘埃恒星起源的脸吗!于 是, A non-stellar mechanism for dust production in the early Universe was proposed by Elvis et al. (2002). 简单来说就是超大质量黑洞吸积盘的Broad Emission Line (BEL) regions物理/化学环境适合生成尘埃。问题是生成什么样的, 如何生成呢?Interestingly, several studies (e.g. Maiolino et al. 2004) show that the extinction curve in high redshift QSOs is similar to the one expected for a medium dominated by SN dust。 于是, Pipino  et al. 2011 就假设黑洞长大过程中,黑洞和 SNeII 一样产生了尘埃。你别说,结果拟合的很好!

尘埃在星际空间的演化有两个过程, 长大和被消灭。理论上基本也是假设参数化的计算过程, 没有详细的热动力学计算。

长大:Dust accretion occurs in dense molecular clouds, where volatile elements can condensate onto pre-existing grain cores, originating a volatile part called mantle (Dwek, 1998, Inoue, 2003).

消灭:Dust destruction is primarily due to the propagation of SN shock waves in the warm/ionized interstellar medium (McKee 1989; Jones et al. 1994; Jones 2004).

到底是生成+长大打败消灭,还是消灭打败生成+长大呢? 靠参数化计算是搞不定的,只好去拟合观测。。。But one should keep in mind, the fitting approach is an ill-posed inversion problem (e.g. Zubko et al. 2004)


只需要看两个人的文章:The optical properties of spherical silicate and graphite grains are taken from Laor & Draine (1993). Those optical proper- ties are computed by Mie theory, with the Rayleigh-Gans approximation and geometric optics. The optical properties of PAH molecules are from Draine & Li (2007).

Draine之后,唯 爱跟.李 天下为尊。


尘 埃有什么用处呢?它主要起到了几个作用:1)辐射能量,没有它,很难把气体冷却,所以colling fuction 是一众星系半解析模型的起点。2)把减少气体的金属组分(特别是 Fe, Si, Mg, C)。我们观测到得金属丰度基本都是气体的金属丰度。 因此,不考虑这些金属元素气体-尘埃之间转化的模型都是耍流氓。3)吸收uv-光学波段的光 (俗称 extinction),发射红外线。 后果就是让一众SED fitting 模型生不如死。 你想啊,尘埃组分,尘埃大小,空间分布和质量,这得多少参数啊!!!!更别说解辐射转移方程了!于是,很多sed模型这么玩: 假设 extinction curve 就可以了, 更有高明人士直接用 SED re-distribution 玩一玩就行了。


Dust itself is also a hot topic. Here I briefly describe the topics of dust related to this thesis. For more detailed view of dust, I refer to reviews (Calzetti 2001; Draine 2003, 2009, 2011a; Dwek 2005; Williams 2005; Tielens 2008; Compi ́egne 2010), books (Whittet 2003; Kruegel 2003; Tielens 2005; Draine 2011b) and references therein. 其中我最不喜欢的就是关于尘埃质量的这个玩法: With an assuming extinction curve, total dust mass can be derived by total extinction values (e.g., AV ) based on intrinsic properties of dust (e.g., Goudfrooij et al. 1994).


1)参数化计算生成-生长-湮灭过程,例如 The Dust Properties of z ~ 3 MIPS-LBGs from Photochemical Models, 2013ApJ…768..178F

2) 推荐一篇文章 “On Dust Extinction of Gamma-Ray Burst Host Galaxies” ,http://iopscience.iop.org/0004-637X/685/2/1046/fulltext /74263.text.html  没错,还是 aigen li.
