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不知道怎么回事,现在我在世界一流的研究所得访问,学习的大部分是数据处理,这个我以前从来没有考虑过得问题,我总以 […]
“A decision was wise, even though it led to disastrous […]
strictly frequentist method 是 用似然比,用2种错误概念,使用备择假设,不使用验前 […]
先回答下面的问题:1你要找什么–信号。我们能否知道他们的特性?部分还是全部?2数据里面除了你要找的 […]
http://astronomy.lamost.org/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=21&a […]
Observational surveys of elliptical galaxies at high redshift have in recent years revealed a further interesting fact: ellipticals at high redshift appear to be much smaller in size than those in our local Universe, but have about the same mass and density of stars.
http://astro.berkeley.edu/~jcohn/lya.html 1 why forest […]
The model for the chemical evolution of the Galaxy was […]
Today, in a seminar, a Prof. asked: in the future, if m […]