
18 12 月, 2016

First successful detection of gravitational waves (GW) by LIGO/Virgo opened up a new window on the Universe and gave us unprecedented possiblities of testing gravity. In particular the issue of the speed of gravity, in General   Relativity  equal to the speed of light, became now accessible for experimental tests. Any observational clue that gravitational waves propagate with speed   different from c would mark the breakdown of General Relativity.

In this paper we propose a new method to measure the speed of gravity   assuming that strongly lensed gravitational signal accompanied by its electromagnetic (EM) counterpart   could be detected. The method is based on measuring the difference between strong lensing   time delays registered in GW and EM. The differential setting of our method makes it robust and free from the intrinsic time delays in the source (i.e. different emission times of GW and EM signal).

Strongly lensed GW signals are expected to be registered by the next   generation of interferometric detectors like the Einstein Telescope.



28 9 月, 2016


恭喜你们,圆满完成了大学第一课——军训! 这也意味着你们大学的常规生活大幕即将开启。







同学们,你们的大学生活挑战开始了。 大学是形成人生价值观的重要时期,不同的价值观造就了不同的人。请记住,我就在你身边,我们就在你们身边。



28 11 月, 2014

感谢引力大牛把interstellar 弄火, 提到interstellar 就可以顺势把interstellar medim 搞火,interstellar medim 最有(难)搞头的就是interstellar dust,俗称 grain。

天文上说尘埃理论,一般分为这么几个部分:尘埃的存在性( 尘埃组成),尘埃源,尘埃星际介质的演化,尘埃的光学特性,尘埃的用处。

尘埃的存在性: more and more evidences (e.g. see a historical view in Li 2005a) have confirmed the presence of cosmic dust mainly based on the information from the interaction between electromagnetic radiation and dust: scattering, absorption, emission and polarization (e.g. see Li 2008, and references therein). 李爱根为dust光学特性理论国际No.1

尘埃组成:上述存在证据让尘埃模型里基本假设三大部分:silicate, graphite and PAH。还有些人专门玩详细的谱线认证,我没涉猎过。

尘埃源主要是恒星(主要是AGB ,超新星) , 基本上就是假设恒星产生的元素里面有多少变成里尘埃。  Dwek (1998) 建立里基本框架。 问题是,恒星产生多少元素呢? Calura et al. (2008),Pipino et al. (2011) 把它放到了一个靠谱的星系元素(化学)演化模型里面玩了一把。 需要注意的是,观测上貌似没有发现SN 1a 的产生的尘埃,这是一个迷。

还有一个特殊的尘埃源, 最近才火,起因是一个在红移6.4处的QSO J1148+5251被发现含有大量尘埃!这不是赤裸裸的打尘埃恒星起源的脸吗!于 是, A non-stellar mechanism for dust production in the early Universe was proposed by Elvis et al. (2002). 简单来说就是超大质量黑洞吸积盘的Broad Emission Line (BEL) regions物理/化学环境适合生成尘埃。问题是生成什么样的, 如何生成呢?Interestingly, several studies (e.g. Maiolino et al. 2004) show that the extinction curve in high redshift QSOs is similar to the one expected for a medium dominated by SN dust。 于是, Pipino  et al. 2011 就假设黑洞长大过程中,黑洞和 SNeII 一样产生了尘埃。你别说,结果拟合的很好!

尘埃在星际空间的演化有两个过程, 长大和被消灭。理论上基本也是假设参数化的计算过程, 没有详细的热动力学计算。

长大:Dust accretion occurs in dense molecular clouds, where volatile elements can condensate onto pre-existing grain cores, originating a volatile part called mantle (Dwek, 1998, Inoue, 2003).

消灭:Dust destruction is primarily due to the propagation of SN shock waves in the warm/ionized interstellar medium (McKee 1989; Jones et al. 1994; Jones 2004).

到底是生成+长大打败消灭,还是消灭打败生成+长大呢? 靠参数化计算是搞不定的,只好去拟合观测。。。But one should keep in mind, the fitting approach is an ill-posed inversion problem (e.g. Zubko et al. 2004)


只需要看两个人的文章:The optical properties of spherical silicate and graphite grains are taken from Laor & Draine (1993). Those optical proper- ties are computed by Mie theory, with the Rayleigh-Gans approximation and geometric optics. The optical properties of PAH molecules are from Draine & Li (2007).

Draine之后,唯 爱跟.李 天下为尊。


尘 埃有什么用处呢?它主要起到了几个作用:1)辐射能量,没有它,很难把气体冷却,所以colling fuction 是一众星系半解析模型的起点。2)把减少气体的金属组分(特别是 Fe, Si, Mg, C)。我们观测到得金属丰度基本都是气体的金属丰度。 因此,不考虑这些金属元素气体-尘埃之间转化的模型都是耍流氓。3)吸收uv-光学波段的光 (俗称 extinction),发射红外线。 后果就是让一众SED fitting 模型生不如死。 你想啊,尘埃组分,尘埃大小,空间分布和质量,这得多少参数啊!!!!更别说解辐射转移方程了!于是,很多sed模型这么玩: 假设 extinction curve 就可以了, 更有高明人士直接用 SED re-distribution 玩一玩就行了。


Dust itself is also a hot topic. Here I briefly describe the topics of dust related to this thesis. For more detailed view of dust, I refer to reviews (Calzetti 2001; Draine 2003, 2009, 2011a; Dwek 2005; Williams 2005; Tielens 2008; Compi ́egne 2010), books (Whittet 2003; Kruegel 2003; Tielens 2005; Draine 2011b) and references therein. 其中我最不喜欢的就是关于尘埃质量的这个玩法: With an assuming extinction curve, total dust mass can be derived by total extinction values (e.g., AV ) based on intrinsic properties of dust (e.g., Goudfrooij et al. 1994).


1)参数化计算生成-生长-湮灭过程,例如 The Dust Properties of z ~ 3 MIPS-LBGs from Photochemical Models, 2013ApJ…768..178F

2) 推荐一篇文章 “On Dust Extinction of Gamma-Ray Burst Host Galaxies” , /74263.text.html  没错,还是 aigen li.


6 9 月, 2014


idea is cheap,虽然这文章的构想我在5年前就有了,但是为了写出这篇文章,我花了半年的时间和统计大牛们复习、学习统计,1年时间和发过prl的大牛讨论公式,运行大型程序。在这之前,我花了三年半时间学习天文。在学习天文之前我花了3年半学习引力波数据处理。在那之前我还在足球学校花了1年时间学习英语。。。



14 4 月, 2014


gw-em 测试流程

22 2 月, 2014

1. 根据f-function 产生 injection 的位置: gendist

2. 根据 gw模型产生injection 的波形+data analysis : LAL

3. play with  posterior samples and f-fuunction : hist2d + greedy

idea is cheap 之 天才版

5 2 月, 2014


A Student’s Guide to Einstein’s Major Papers , Sec. 5.1.2

In 1907, he published a review of the special theory of relativity, entitled “On the Relativity Principle and the Conclusions Drawn from It,” in Jahrbuch der Radioaktivit ̈at und Elektronik.7 In the last section of the paper, entitled “Principle of Relativity and Gravitation,” he writes:

[W]e shall therefore assume the complete physical equivalence of a gravitational field and a corresponding acceleration of the reference system.

The equivalence of a gravitational field and an accelerating reference frame became known as the strong equivalence principle. This one assumption (strong equivalence principle) started Einstein on his way to answering the aforementioned “lingering questions.” But it took ten years, from 1905 to 1915, for Einstein to arrive at the completed form of the general theory of relativity.


27 11 月, 2013

刚才和一个发过PRL 的、正在和我一起写apj的外国年轻人聊了一会, 对于研究的境界有了一些思考。

1. 也许应该叫研究方式,因为“境界” 这个词带有阶级情绪。

2. 理论型PRL 的工作一般都是前瞻型的,这样就意味着一般在一个人的旺盛的职业生涯中也许看不到科学产出。

3. 如果一个人不能为当前或者未来5-10年内的科学主要研究领域、科学工程做出具体贡献,例如写几篇prd(apj), 那么这个人的研究方式是好的吗?---灌水是必须的?

4. 如果大部分精力都用来写prd(apj), 还能(想)写出来prl吗?---灌水是需要被限制的?

5. 如果没有大量prd (apj),如何在5年内成为xx学者,入选yy人才计划?

idea is cheap, again

23 11 月, 2013

在我想做点引力透镜-引力波-宇宙学的时候, 我发现: 。。。。 you will never be better than your supervisor if you do the same thing…….


1. 07年我在马普的时候做过一些lisa 相关文献阅读,问一偶像: 引力透镜的引力波如何?大牛回答:lisa有人做,但是我个人感觉实现还很遥远。于是我就没跟进,转而做地面的一个问题。

2. 老板的这文章有这么一句:

The main focus of our paper is on lensing of distant GW sources therefore in this sectionwe will present our approach which is similar to that of [19, 20] who considered predictionsfor LISA detector.

我觉得就是这一句让这篇文章是JCAP, 而不是 PRL 了。

而文献[19](PRL, 2010)应该就是当年偶像说的有人在做。

idea is cheap, again.


you will never be better than your supervisor if you believe all things that he told you…….



22 11 月, 2013

在想做点引力透镜-引力波-宇宙学的时候, 我发现:

。。。。 you will never be better than your supervisor if you do the same thing…….